The world's largest consumption of plastic polyethylene--PE

According to IHS Markit, the world's biggest consumer of plastic, polyethylene, demand has almost doubled since 1999.

       The latest IHS Markit analysis suggests that demand growth for polyethylene is under significant market pressure, which could affect future growth of plastics, such as around sustainability, rising consumer expectations and strict environmental controls in key growth markets such as China.

      According to IHS Markit, global demand for polyethylene was 50 million metric tons in 1999, and more than 100 million metric tons is expected in 2018.

       the number of consumers in developing countries such as China and India is increasing, and their spending power is growing, leading to a rise in global demand for key plastic products. We all live our lives in plastic -- mobile phones, computers, food and drink packaging, clothing, cars and even medical equipment. Nick Vafiadis, vice President of plastics at IHS Markit, said, "" however, consumption growth is accompanied by greater expectations and responsibilities for both plastics producers and consumers.

        In my conversation with plastic manufacturers and producers of leaders found that plastic industry very actively throughout the supply chain to embrace sustainable "exhibition Vafiadis said," this includes leading stakeholders to discuss and find and retailers, consumers, recyclers, even cooperate with designers, the method of the use of plastic products for the first time after consumption plan

        Global demand for polyethylene is expected to reach 120 million metric tons per year by 2022, while annual demand for polypropylene may not exceed 90 million metric tons during the same period. More than 60 percent of the growth in global plastic demand comes from China's economic growth. China's ban on foreign waste plastics, combined with the growth of online shopping around the world, has helped drive global demand for primary plastics, IHS Markit said.


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